Information management refers to the various technologies used to collect, analyze, and present data. A police department, for example, may have one system for criminal event and arrest data, a second system for dispatch data, and a third system for administrative data. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the function of management information systems in increasing organization performance and effectiveness in a police station in Addis Ababa's bole sub-city administration. The researcher used a descriptive research design. The majority of respondents believe that MIS has a role in improving performance. Furthermore, 86.4 percent of respondents said that MIS deployment improved the organization's performance. According to the findings of this study, the majority of respondents believe that MIS aids in decision-making and that MIS is critical to improving organizational effectiveness. Evidence collected from respondents on the dependent variable focused on the five descriptive criteria for an effective managerial decision such as timely, accuracy, relevancy, reliability, and completeness, which all exist at a rate of 72.7 percent, 59.1 percent, 68.1 percent, 79.5 percent, and 81.80 percent in the bole sub-city police station, respectively. Three questions represent the availability of appropriate types of equipment and devices. The researcher discovered that the majority of respondents agreed that appropriate (modern, high storage capacity and speed) types of equipment and Devices are available, that an adequate amount of equipment and Devices are available, and that spare parts and maintenance for equipment and devices are available. In the Bole sub-city police station MIS department, 52.3 percent, 63.6 percent, and 63.6 percent of the responses collected suggest that the quantity of skilled and experienced, motivated, and devoted manpower exists at an acceptable level of adequacy.
Keywords: - Management Information System, MIS Utilization, Managers Decision Making and police station of bole sub city administration