UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)

ISSN: 2349-5162 | ESTD Year : 2014
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Volume 11 | Issue 6 | June 2024

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Volume 5 Issue 6
eISSN: 2349-5162

UGC and ISSN approved 7.95 impact factor UGC Approved Journal no 63975

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Jetir RMS




Education is essential for the development of society. The more educated the people of a society are, the more civilized and well disciplined the society might be. Mainly, family has responsibility to socialize children for making them productive members of society. The more the parents involve in the process of imparting education to their children, the more the children might excel in their academic career and to become the productive and responsible members of society. It has been assumed that academic achievement of students may not only depend on the quality of schools and the teachers, rather the extent of parental involvement has vital role to play in academic achievement of their kids. The focus of this study is to examine a relationship (if any) between the extent of parental involvement in academic activities of their children and the level of their children’s academic achievement. The transition from middle school to secondary school may be an overwhelming and stressful experience for young adolescents. Developmentally, students are entering a period in their lives when their physical, cognitive, psychological, and social characteristics are beginning to evolve. Secondary school students experience both a contextual change and a personal change during this transition. It may often a confusing time for students, their families, and the other adults in their lives who seek to support their healthy development and learning. The secondary school learning environment may be more complex than elementary school and academic achievement expectations increase. Children are more likely to have higher academic achievement levels and improved behavior when families are involved in their education (Bryan, 2005). Learning begins at home through interaction with one’s family. Adolescence is a ‘Period of Storm and Stress’, it is a crossroad from childhood to adulthood. There are many hurdles and challenges which come up their way. These are imposed by Physiological, Psychological and Environmental conditions. Among these the parents as well as Peer Group casts a lot of influence. The parents pressurize the adolescent to do well in academics and get very high grades. They compare the adolescent with others and ask them to be like other adolescents who have excelled in academics and even extracurricular activities. If the adolescent is unable to achieve high grades or up to the mark of their parent’s expectation they start telling lies, build the habit of hiding marks, as they feel guilty and feel withdrawn. They want to live up to the expectations of their parents. On the other hand the peer group also puts pressure on them and tries to influence and lead them to adopt certain ways of living which may lead them to risk behaviors like addictions, intimacy, sex offences, etc. These in turn my also affects the academic performance of the students. The adolescent at this stage feels that to follow peer action are correct, as they have the fear of being socially rejected, being bullied, and unaccepted by the group. Even though they might know that they are not correct, but the fear over powers them. The study will cater benefits to the students. They will have a better understanding of themselves with the help of the information provided by this research. They will also realize the worth of their family, particularly their parents, as well as their friends and peers in their life. This will enable them to value and appreciate more their family and friends. These may strengthen the way they perceive their self which may have a positive effect on their academic performance. The information provided by this study may also help the parents. This study will enable them to become aware on how they influence  their children on his academic performance as well as the importance of having a healthy family structure for the benefit of their children. This awareness will make them feel the significance of their role to prevent possible problems that may occur to their children such as low level of educational achievement. Objectives were: ♣ To study the parental attachment and peer group relationship of high academic achievers. ♣ To study the parental attachment and peer group relationship of low academic achievers. ♣ To study the difference among high and low academic performance pertaining to parental attachment. ♣ To study the difference among high and low academic performance pertaining to peer pressure. ♣ To suggest need based measure. The sample for the current study included 120 students (60 students who are high in academics and 60 who are low in academics) within the class level of X and XII. Of these students, 60 students of Class X (30 Males and 30 Female students), 60 students of Class XII (30 Males and 30 Female students) Simple random sampling technique will be used to select three Private coeducational secondary schools in city of Kolkata. The Peer Pressure Inventory & Inventory of parent and peer attachment (IPPA) was used.

Key Words

Parental Attachment , Peer Pressure , Academic Performance , Academic Achievement.

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"A STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF THE LEVEL OF ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE ON PARENTAL ATTACHMENT AND PEER GROUP RELATIONSHIP", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (, ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.5, Issue 6, page no.17-35, June-2018, Available :


2349-5162 | Impact Factor 7.95 Calculate by Google Scholar

An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 7.95 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator

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"A STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF THE LEVEL OF ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE ON PARENTAL ATTACHMENT AND PEER GROUP RELATIONSHIP", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ( | UGC and issn Approved), ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.5, Issue 6, page no. pp17-35, June-2018, Available at :

Publication Details

Published Paper ID: JETIR1806803
Registration ID: 182538
Published In: Volume 5 | Issue 6 | Year June-2018
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: 17-35
Country: Kolkata, West Bengal, India .
Area: Arts
ISSN Number: 2349-5162
Publisher: IJ Publication

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