UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)

ISSN: 2349-5162 | ESTD Year : 2014
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Volume 11 | Issue 5 | May 2024

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Volume 8 Issue 1
eISSN: 2349-5162

UGC and ISSN approved 7.95 impact factor UGC Approved Journal no 63975

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The Role of Orunodoi and Assam Bandhu in Spreading Woman education in Assam in 19th century



Before the 19th century, the life of women in Assam was confined to the four walls of the house. In the conservative society, which followed the traditions introduced by the Vedas, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Upanishads and Puran, nobody paid importance to some issues like the spread of woman education and ensuring freedom to them. Most of the women of that time, apart from a few, considered getting marriage, giving birth to their child, satisfying the husband from all sides as their primary duties as per guidance of their parents. But a drastic change came to the society after the arrival of the British in the region following the Iandabu treaty signed in 1826. Due to the impact of the British rule, the issues, like the women's social existence, women education, freedom of women etc. were potent enough to draw attention of a section of conscious people of that contemporary society which was touched by the western thoughts. The young generation who went to Kolkata to pursue advanced education, left no stone unturned to create awareness on women education realizing its importance. They did it by writing number of articles in Orunodoi and Assam Bandhu, two noted news papers of that time. This paper highlights the Spread of Women Education in 19th Century with special reference to Orunodoi and Assam Bandhu. The main points of discussion in this paper are the youths of that time who initiated special steps to spread the women education and the articles related to the issue which were published in what news papers. Some other points like the overall education system of that time, education policy, number of schools etc. are not covered in the paper keeping its length and time in view. Orunodoi and Assam Bandhu are taken as principal sources for the discussion and some other reference books as secondary sources while preparing the paper.

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"The Role of Orunodoi and Assam Bandhu in Spreading Woman education in Assam in 19th century", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (, ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.8, Issue 1, page no.22-27, January-2021, Available :


2349-5162 | Impact Factor 7.95 Calculate by Google Scholar

An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 7.95 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator

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"The Role of Orunodoi and Assam Bandhu in Spreading Woman education in Assam in 19th century", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ( | UGC and issn Approved), ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.8, Issue 1, page no. pp22-27, January-2021, Available at :

Publication Details

Published Paper ID: JETIR2101205
Registration ID: 305248
Published In: Volume 8 | Issue 1 | Year January-2021
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: 22-27
Country: Golaghat, Assam, India .
Area: Arts
ISSN Number: 2349-5162
Publisher: IJ Publication

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