UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)

ISSN: 2349-5162 | ESTD Year : 2014
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Volume 10 Issue 7
eISSN: 2349-5162

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The role of freebies in Indian politics


ABSTRACT: India has a long history of nurturing a social welfare regime whereby material goods are distributed to the poor and vulnerable populations of the country, helping uplift their socio-economic condition. However, many of such welfare goods are often called ‘hand-outs’ or ‘freebies’ that are promised or delivered based on electoral considerations; they are widely viewed as manipulative, aimed only at influencing electorates. The mass distribution of all kinds of welfare goods also has costs to the public exchequer, especially in terms of trade-offs with long-term developmental initiatives; it can also disincentives human agency and enterprise. This paper underlines the core issues in the ongoing freebies debate and offers a sound framework for analysing the impacts on the welfare policies of the Indian state. The role of freebies in Indian politics is a topic of much debate and discussion. Freebies, also known as populist welfare schemes or electoral giveaways, refer to the distribution of free goods or services by political parties to the electorate with the aim of gaining political support and securing votes. These freebies can range from essential commodities like food and clothing to more extravagant offerings like electronic appliances, farm loan waivers, and subsidized housing. While proponents argue that freebies help uplift marginalized sections of society and address socio-economic disparities, critics contend that they promote a culture of dependency, hinder economic growth, and undermine the principles of good governance and fiscal responsibility. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects and implications of freebies in Indian politics, considering both the positive and negative consequences. To begin with, it is important to acknowledge the historical context of freebies in Indian politics. India, as a diverse and populous democracy, faces significant challenges related to poverty, unemployment, and social inequality. Political parties, especially during election campaigns, often use freebies as a tool to appeal to voters and demonstrate their commitment to addressing these issues. The provision of free goods and services is seen as a means to alleviate the burden on the economically disadvantaged sections of society and garner their support. One of the main arguments in favor of freebies is their potential to uplift marginalized communities. In a country like India, where a significant portion of the population lives below the poverty line, freebies can provide immediate relief and improve the quality of life for those struggling to meet their basic needs. For instance, the distribution of free food grains or subsidized meals through schemes like the Public Distribution System (PDS) and the Mid-Day Meal Scheme has been successful in ensuring that vulnerable sections of society have access to adequate nutrition. Similarly, schemes like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) provide job opportunities and income support to rural households, reducing poverty and unemployment. Furthermore, freebies can also play a role in addressing social and gender disparities. Schemes like free education for girls or financial assistance for women entrepreneurs aim to empower women and bridge the gender gap. By removing financial barriers to education and entrepreneurship, these initiatives promote inclusivity and social mobility. Additionally, the provision of free healthcare services or medical insurance can improve the accessibility and affordability of healthcare, particularly for marginalized communities who may otherwise lack access to quality medical facilities. Another argument in favor of freebies is their potential to enhance political participation and democratic engagement. By offering tangible benefits to citizens, political parties can attract previously disengaged or apathetic voters to participate in the electoral process. This can lead to increased voter turnout and a more representative democracy. Freebies, in this context, are viewed as a means of empowering citizens and enabling them to exercise their democratic rights. However, it is important to critically examine the negative consequences and potential drawbacks of freebies in Indian politics. One of the primary concerns is the financial burden imposed on the state exchequer. The implementation of freebies requires significant financial resources, and the cost of these schemes can strain government budgets and lead to fiscal deficits. This, in turn, can hinder long-term economic growth and development. Critics argue that the funds allocated to freebies could be better utilized in areas such as infrastructure development, healthcare, education, and job creation, which have a more sustainable impact on socio-economic well-being. Moreover, the distribution of freebies can create a culture of dependency and entitlement among citizens. When individuals become accustomed to receiving free goods or services, they may develop a sense of entitlement without actively seeking ways to improve their own economic condition. This can lead to a reduction in individual motivation and productivity, as people rely on the state for their basic needs rather than striving for self-reliance and upward mobility. Critics argue that freebies perpetuate a cycle of dependency, undermining the principle of individual responsibility and hindering efforts towards long-term poverty alleviation. Another concern is the potential for freebies to be misused for electoral gains. Political parties may implement populist welfare schemes with the primary motive of securing votes rather than genuinely addressing socio-economic disparities. There have been instances where freebies were distributed selectively, based on political considerations or caste and religious affiliations, rather than objective criteria. Such selective distribution can deepen social divisions and reinforce identity politics, diverting attention from the broader development agenda. Furthermore, the implementation and monitoring of freebies can pose significant administrative challenges. Ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficient delivery mechanisms for freebies is crucial to prevent leakages, corruption, and the exclusion of deserving beneficiaries. Weak governance structures and inadequate infrastructure can undermine the effectiveness of freebie schemes, leading to inefficiencies and suboptimal outcomes.

Key Words

freebies .Indian politics

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"The role of freebies in Indian politics ", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (, ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.10, Issue 7, page no.j551-j562, July-2023, Available :


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"The role of freebies in Indian politics ", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ( | UGC and issn Approved), ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.10, Issue 7, page no. ppj551-j562, July-2023, Available at :

Publication Details

Published Paper ID: JETIR2307970
Registration ID: 519705
Published In: Volume 10 | Issue 7 | Year July-2023
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: j551-j562
Country: Meerut, UP, India .
Area: Arts
ISSN Number: 2349-5162
Publisher: IJ Publication

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