Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the founder of the Arya Samaj, was one of the makersof modern India. With an indigenous orientation, he wanted to bring a new social,religious, economic and political order in India. Taking inspiration from veda, he criticized evil practices like idolatry, caste system, untouchability etc. as prevailedin the then Indian society. By 1921 the British Rule in India had established in all parts of the country and with it spread the western ideas which brought about revolutionary changes in the attitude of the people. The ideas of democracy, sovereignty of the people rationalism, nationalism and humanism helped the people to think a new and critically their own society. The orthodox elements of the society were apposed to the introduction of modern education as well as to new social changes. But the Indian society as a whole was very much influenced by the western ideas of equality, democracy and justice. In the Urban areas people were much influenced bt humanitarian ideals which they learnt when they came in contact with the western history and literature modern industries, new means of transport growing urbanization and increasing employment of women in factories, offices, schools, hospitals. The penetration of capitalism made social status dependent mainly in money and profit making became the most desirable social activity.1 The development of science and scientific outlook attracted every aspect of activity military political, economic, social and religious. Before the english education, Indian society was static and decadent society. In the village as well cities life was insecure from the foreign invasionsand inside the country it was made unsafe by strifes of local rulers who fought battles for their false honour and lack of ability to govern. Therefore the conditions of the people was deplorable.2 The development of science and scientific out look attracted every aspect of activity. The villagers of the India were poor and followed their traditional progressions because there were industries in the province during the period of review but this poverty did not disturb them till their bare necessities were fulfilled with their own efforts. But it is certain that is most of the cases the indebtedness in the villagers was due to imprudent expenditure on rituals and ceremonies which they practiced only on account of their blind and unthinking devotion to the things which could be easily avoided, otherwise the wants of the villagers were very few and they could be easily met with the things they produced. The peace given by the English rule helped indians to think to better their lots. The new scientific outlook, the doctrine of nationalism and humanism impressed the educated classes and their leaders agitated to achieve the rights which were due to all human beings irrespective of their castes and colour. The rule of low of the Raj gave full opportunity to the Indians to demonstrate their feelings against things which they Considered unjust and discriminatory, and which could never be possible under a tyrannical rule of indigenous rulers.
Key Words
Daya Nand "Saraswati": True Humanist of Socio-cultural Renaissance of 19th century
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"Daya Nand ", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (www.jetir.org), ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.7, Issue 6, page no.19-23, June-2020, Available :
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"Daya Nand ", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (www.jetir.org | UGC and issn Approved), ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.7, Issue 6, page no. pp19-23, June-2020, Available at : http://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2006610.pdf
Publication Details
Published Paper ID: JETIR2006610
Registration ID: 521845
Published In: Volume 7 | Issue 6 | Year June-2020
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: 19-23
Country: -, -, India .
Area: Engineering
ISSN Number: 2349-5162
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