BACKGROUND: Women's overall health and well-being are dependent on their sexual and reproductive
health. It's crucial to their ability to make choices and decisions about their lives, such as when and whether to
have children. Sexual and reproductive health encompasses not only physical well-being, but also the right to
healthy and respectful relationships, inclusive, safe, and appropriate health services, accurate information,
effective and affordable contraception, and timely support and services in the event of an unintended
pregnancy. Menstruation, fertility, cervical screening, contraception, pregnancy, sexually transmissible
infections, chronic health problems (such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome), and menopause are
all linked to distinct life stages for women's sexual and reproductive health . PCOS is a problem with hormones
that affects women during their childbearing years (ages 15 to 44). Between 2.2 and 26.7 percent of women in
this age group have PCOS.AIM: To identify high risk females for PCOD in the view to develop and administer
awareness teaching program on PCOD among undergraduate nursing students of Uttarakhand. MATERIAL &
METHODS : The Quantitative approach and Pre-experimental design with one group pre-test – post-test
design was used. Simple random sampling technique was used to collect the 110 undergraduate nursing
students. The study was conducted in selected nursing college. Pre-test was done by using Demographic
Performa and knowledge questionnaire. The prevalence of PCOS was assessed through PCOS prevalence scale.
PCOS awareness teaching Program was implemented after pre-test. Post test was conducted seven days after
pre-test. Descriptive statistics includes frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation was used to describe
the result. Inferential statistics like paired t test, Chi square test, were used to find the effectiveness and
association. RESULTS: Majority of students 83( 75.45%) were in age group of 18-20 years and 96.56 %
students were unmarried . Majority of students 83( 75.45%) were Hindu & father’s of majority of students
were govt employee whereas mothers of majority of students were homemaker. He family income of majority
of students were 10,000- 15,000m majority of students were from nuclear family , the age of menarche for
majority of students was 14 year , and average days & cycle of menstruation were 28 days, majority of
students had no history of smoking & majority 96.36% of students had no associated gynaecological problem
.The finding of the study revealed that only 1% of students had mild symptoms of PCOS. The mean of post test
knowledge score is 0.702, and SD is 23.49 which revealed evaluation & effectiveness of awareness teaching
program by conducting post test after administration of awareness teaching program, hence there is
enhancement in knowledge regarding PCOS, The age of study participants was significant associated with
knowledge regarding PCOS.
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
JETIR2203448 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org e383
CONCLUSION: The conclusion of the study was only 1% od study participant had symptoms of PCOS & The
awareness teaching program on PCOS was effective to raise the awareness among undergraduate nursing