One of the major fatalities of the COVID-19 pandemic and consequential closure of schools is mal-effect on education of students. Schools have been shut to prevent community spread of the virus and this has given place to 'online teaching'. Online teaching is a new concept for many stakeholders. Online education is a compensatory way to educate the students in this situation but we must ponder over various safety measures, precautions and preparation for reopening of schools. This article is an attempt to scan, organize and present significance of online teaching, main limitations of online teaching-learning process, suggestions to ameliorate online teaching and some innovative technique to make online teaching more effective, easy and impressive. The long closure of schools has given place to 'online teaching'. Online teaching is a new concept for many stakeholders. Online education is a compensatory way to educate the students in this scenario of lockdown and closure of schools. It is a new way of teaching with the help of ICT (Information Communication-Technology) tool smart phones, laptops, tablets, computers etc with Internet connectivity on WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube Channels, Zoom App, Google Meet, Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, Moodle, Edmodo, Google classroom, Chamilo and Canvas etc to maintain chain of learning, to engage students and to maintain flow of study for students. Online teaching is very significant in this scenario of COVID-19 and closure of Schools. Some innovative suggestions to make online teaching more effective and interesting were discussed in the paper like creating WhatsApp group of students, Facebook account of school and YouTube Channel of school for online teaching: Teachers may use social media and ICT tools for teaching of students during this crucial period. Teacher may create WhatsApp group of students; open a Facebook account of school and YouTube channel of school for providing study material to the students very quickly, effectively and easily. Students may use these study materials (in the form of lecture videos, PDF file, cartoon videos, short educational movies etc.) as per their convenience and availability of smart phone. Managing online SPIRAL VOCABULARY practices, which include introducing new words, and ensuring proper learning, memorizing, using, revising these words during online teaching of the lessons, assigning home assignments, testing questions-answers, explaining exercise, translate and general speaking etc and reflecting various other innovative techniques for Making Online Teaching Effective. Proper Arrangement of Co-Curricular Activities in English: Various School Commissions, School Committees, Indian School Policy 1986, various thinkers of India and abroad, National Curriculum Framework 2005 and National Curriculum Framework for Teachers' School 2009 also paid due importance to the co-curricular activities. Teachers may organize online English debate competitions, speech competitions, English storytelling competition, English recitation contests, write-ups for school magazine etc. are very useful co-curricular activities in English, which can be organized online.